
Why Choose IS4 Services

Why Choose IS4 Services for Birth, Postpartum, and Travel Doulas?

Here are a few reasons why...

Birth Doulas: Your Trusted Guide Through Labor and Delivery

Our experienced birth doulas are your unwavering companions during the transformative experience of labor and delivery. They provide physical, emotional, and informational support, helping you navigate the challenges and embrace the joys of this momentous occasion. With their calming presence and evidence-based knowledge, they empower you to make informed decisions and birth with confidence.

Postpartum Doulas: Nurturing Support for the Early Days

The postpartum period can be an overwhelming time for new parents. Our postpartum doulas are your gentle guides, providing practical and emotional support as you adjust to life with a newborn. They assist with breastfeeding, newborn care, light household tasks, and emotional well-being, ensuring that both you and your baby receive the nurturing care you deserve.

Travel Doulas: Your Companion on the Road

Whether you're traveling for medical appointments, family vacations, or simply to provide a break from the daily routine, our travel doulas are there to support you and your family. They accompany you on your travels, providing childcare, logistical assistance, and emotional support, ensuring that your journey is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Coach Ivy's Expertise: A Wealth of Knowledge and Experience

Coach Ivy, the owner of IS4 Services, brings over 20 years of experience working with children and families. Her expertise in various modalities, including birth doula training, lactation counseling, and child development, ensures that you receive the most comprehensive and evidence-based care. Her passion for empowering families shines through in every interaction, making her an invaluable resource for your journey into parenthood.

Choose IS4 Services for Unwavering Support and Empowerment

At IS4 Services, we believe that every family deserves to have the support and guidance they need to navigate the challenges and celebrate the joys of parenthood. Our compassionate and experienced doulas are here to provide you with the unwavering support you need to make informed decisions, birth with confidence, and thrive in your new role as parents.

Contact us today to learn more about how IS4 Services can empower you on your journey into parenthood. Together, let's create a positive, fulfilling, and unforgettable experience for you and your family.

Birth Doula Service

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Postpartum Doula Service

Expert Postpartum Services by a Doula for New Mothers.

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Travel Doula

Experience Stress-Free Traveling with a Professional Travel Doula by Your Side!

What is a Travel Doula and Their Role?

Travel Doulas are professionals who travel to wherever they are needed to provide education, nonjudgmental support and companionship, and assistance with newborn care and family adjustment.

Their role is to help new parents navigate the often overwhelming experience of traveling with a newborn. This can include providing guidance on packing and preparing for the trip, as well as offering emotional support throughout the journey. Travel Doulas also assist with newborn care, such as feeding, diapering, and soothing techniques, allowing parents to rest and recharge during the trip. Additionally, they can provide education on babywearing, breastfeeding in public, and other topics related to traveling with a baby. Ultimately, the goal of a Travel Doula is to make the travel experience as stress-free and enjoyable as possible for both the parents and the baby.

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Family Support Doula

Sibling doulas do what birth and postpartum doulas do, but with a focus on the needs of older siblings whose parents are bringing a new life into the world.     

The arrival of a new baby can be an exciting but challenging time for older siblings. Sibling doulas are trained professionals who provide emotional and practical support to help siblings adjust to their new roles and responsibilities. They can help siblings understand what is happening during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and provide age-appropriate education about newborn care. Sibling doulas also offer creative activities and play ideas that can help siblings bond with their new brother or sister. By helping siblings feel included and valued during this transition, sibling doulas can make the experience of welcoming a new baby a positive and empowering one for the whole family.

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